Thursday, September 12, 2019

Operation management project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Operation management project - Essay Example Corporate objectives of the company are to improve and deliver superior customer service, reduce expenditure and at the same time increase revenues, develop best in the region utility infrastructure, etc. The target customers of AADC includes the entire population of the Al Ain region which the city of Al Ain and the rural areas surrounding the city. The population of the region is close to half a million. The business activity of AADC involves the following main processes: Customer Services – Electricity, Customer Services – Water, Urgent Services – Electricity, Urgent Services – Water, Management of Financial Activities, Update and Archive Customer Information, Planning and Performance Evaluation, Internal Audit, Other Services and Contact Center Services. All the above mentioned processes involve various other sub-processes which can not be involved in this report hence the report will only concentrate on the Load Demand Notification sub-process under the main process of Customer Services – Electricity. The customer is required to submit a request for electricity services along with various other required documents for the approval from AADC. The customer is required to submit the request for electricity load requirements prior to the commencement of a project. The customer can submit the request either through the counter or the website. A surveyor/technician then visits the site to inspect if LV power feed can be provided. If LV power feed can not be provided to the site, then the request is transferred to the Asset management department. Also the form is sent to the client through the web if the request was placed through the website. If LV feed can be fed to the site, then the capacity on the LV network is checked by an engineer. If the LV network is not available the case is then transferred to the Asset management division. If the LV network is available the electricity room is located by an engineer to determine the source

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